I was truly honoured to represent Rocket Women at the beginning of this month in Ottawa, the capital city of Canada, during an intimate round table discussion with Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minster of Canada, and Instagram COO Marne Levine at Parliament Hill.
This amazing opportunity came about through an education campaign with the Prime Minister’s office, #EducationCan. My story and those of seven inspiring young Canadians were featured on the Prime Minister’s Instagram account, where we discussed the importance of education and how it had shaped our lives. We were lucky to additionally receive a fortuitious invitation to take part in a round table discussion with Prime Minister Trudeau and the Instagram team at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada. During this hour we discussed how to inspire the next generation, education and encouraging young women to study STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths). The Prime Minster genuinely cared about these causes and listened carefully to each participant’s viewpoint and story. It was truly an honour to participate alongside some incredibly talented and inspirational young people. I’m extremely grateful to the Instagram team and the Prime Minister’s office for this incredible opportunity.