If you’re in the UK and looking to learn about the space industry, look no further than SPACEUP:UK 2016.
This ‘unconference’ taking place on 3-4th June at King’s College London is a fantastic opportunity to meet like-minded people and discuss fascinating topics including human spaceflight, exploration, satellites and space tourism. An “unconference”, also means that the attendees partly decide the topics in dedicated sessions and take an active part in joining in the debates.
“SpaceUp is a space unconference, where participants decide the topics, schedule, and structure of the event. Unconferences have been held about technology, science, transit, and even cupcakes, but this is the first one focused on space exploration.”
Excellent speakers in-between breakout sessions range from experts on planetary science to astrophysics, space medicine, art in science communication and supporting education in STEM, to current issues encountered with human spaceflight and satellite constellations. Rocket Women is proud to be a partner of SPACEUP:UK.
Book your ticket now for SPACEUP:UK here!