At Rocket Women, we're driven by this powerful thought
What would the world look like if every girl had the chance to reach their potential and change the world through STEM?
Rocket Women aims to provide inspirational women globally with a platform to spread their advice and ensure that their voices are heard. By featuring stories of successful women in STEM, we want Rocket Women to give young women and girls globally the realisation that they can be astronauts, scientists and engineers or whatever they aim to be.
We’re interviewing women around the world in STEM, particularly in space, and posting the interviews on Rocket Women, along with advice and resources to show the next generation the impact they can make with a career in STEM.
Our goal is to empower young women to choose a career in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) and achieve their dreams, so that we can improve the current percentage of female engineering talent.

In 2016, just 23% of science and technology workers in Canada were women. According to Statistics Canada, women currently make up just 19% of students studying engineering in Canada.
In the UK, only 12% of the engineering workforce is female and according to recent research from the Royal Academy of Engineering, only 7.8% of engineering professionals are from BAME (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic) backgrounds, compared to 12% of the UK population.
Rocket Women believes that the lack of gender and racial diversity in STEM industries, including the space sector, is not only an issue of inequality, but affects the engineering that we do and the systems we create. We need to enable engineering as a profession to reflect more of society to prevent unconscious biases from being implemented into design. Now, more than ever, we need 100% of the talent available to solve the really hard problems we’re facing in the world.
Rocket Women aims not only to provide inspiration, but create a supportive community of women in space and related industries through our online platforms and regular public outreach events in the UK, Europe and Canada – including science festivals, engineering industry events, classroom-focused projects in collaboration with schools, in addition to providing teacher training workshops and space-focused educational resource development.