The United Nations’ International Women’s Day (IWD) took place on Friday 8th March with some great events organised around the world. In particular Women 2.0 honoured IWD with Founder Friday meetings in innovative cities globally to promote the creation of new networks among aspiring entrepreneurs, current entrepreneurs and investors. Women In Aerospace (US, Europe and Canada) celebrated women by carrying out networking events for their members internationally! Women working at Accenture collaborated to create an excellent webcast through which they shared their inspiring stories of success in the tech industry. Accenture, with more than 90,000 women employees, also released their 2013 International Women’s Day research titled “Defining Success”. The survey of 4100 business executives from 33 countries showed that when work-life balance was concerned, more than three quarters (77 percent) agreed that technology enabled them to be more flexible with their schedules. Eighty percent reported having flexibility in their work schedule is extremely or very important to work-life balance, however 70 percent said technology brings work into their personal lives. Considering women alone, 80 percent of those surveyed worked on weekends and/or holidays (compared to 83 percent of men). Proving an equal commitment to and responsibility towards their careers. In Sheryl Sandberg‘s new book “Lean In” she advocates flexible working conditions and a higher salary for women. With the Accenture survey highlighting that almost 10 percent less women than men asked for or negotiated a pay rise, this issue being brought to the forefront of the public’s awareness should be welcomed. (A review of Lean In will be posted soon!)
The Atlantic provided us with a striking portrayal of women around the world on International Women’s Day, emphasising this truly global event connecting women of all cultures, countries and backgrounds. Presenting an essential reminder that IWD also allows us to “focus on places and situations where women’s rights, equality, health, and safety still have a long way to go”.
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